In this study, a new full three-dimensional landslide post-failure numerical platform (LPF3D) was proposed. This method serves as a bridge between continuum-medium algorithms and discrete-medium...
In this study, a new numerical method involving LPF3D based on a multialgorithm and multiconstitutive model was proposed to simulate long-runout landslides with high precision and efficiency.
通过调查分析、理论研究和数值技术研发,揭示高位远程滑坡运动过程中基于密集程度的多态转化动力过程,综合 SPH 和 DEM 算法提出基于动力学本构转化的滑坡后破坏(LPF3D)数值模拟方法。
文中采用自主研发的滑坡后破坏数值模拟平台(LPF3D, Landslides post failure 3D), 以2014年9月强降雨诱发的重庆奉节无山坪滑坡为例, 探讨了滑坡在水动力作用下远程成灾的动力过程, 揭示了固液耦合影响机制。